Crazy Chicken Pirates

Download Crazy Chicken Pirates game for free, this game is shooter game, just use your mouse and start shooting and achieve objectives before time runs up. Download Crazy Chicken Pirates Game free, how to play Crazy Chicken Pirates, How to install Crazy Chicken Pirates Game.

This is Crazy Chicken Pirates Game. The splendor and the beauty of the Chicken Island would make it an ideal vacation spot - if it weren't for those pirates. A one-legged captain, a gunner, a cutlass-wielding chicken and a treasure hunter... the island is home to countless perils, hidden extras and mysteries. The lords of the island are by no means willing to surrender themselves and their treasure without a fight. Crazy Chicken Pirates is a point & shoot action game where you take aim at birds as they scurry through the island and plunge bravely into the waves for a desperate counterattack. You only have 90 seconds to complete your raid by slaying pirates and collecting all hidden treasures.

This Game features are: Action fun for all ages, Beautiful hand-drawn graphics, Plenty of hidden coins, jewels and skulls to find, Easy to master game-play: just point and shoot! High score list. In Crazy Chicken Pirates, you have to take control on your mouse and start shooting crazy chickens. This game is time-lapsed, you have 1 minute 30 seconds to finish a round. There are objectives to complete before time passed. You can see those objectives on your left side of screen, under timer. Once you start playing this game, you will be curious to achieve objectives on time, and it won't be that easy. So this game is challenging one.

Crazy Chicken Pirates Game

Game Title: Crazy Chicken Pirates
File Size: 60.07 MB (Single File)

How to Install?

  1. Extract downloaded file using WinRar.
  2. Run "CrazyChicken.exe" file to start process.
  3. Select "Install Game" button from JA Technologies Installer Screen.
  4. Install it to anywhere in Hard Drive.
  5. Launch game with Desktop Shortcut.

System Requirements:

CPU: Pentium 3 - 800MHz or better
RAM: 256MB
DX: 3.0 or above
OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
HDD: 210 MB


Crazy Chicken Pirates Gameplay Screenshot 1Crazy Chicken Pirates Gameplay Screenshot 2Crazy Chicken Pirates Gameplay Screenshot 3
Crazy Chicken Pirates Gameplay Screenshot 4Crazy Chicken Pirates Gameplay Screenshot 5Crazy Chicken Pirates Gameplay Screenshot 6
Crazy Chicken Pirates Gameplay Screenshot 7Crazy Chicken Pirates Gameplay Screenshot 8Crazy Chicken Pirates Gameplay Screenshot 9

Gameplay Video:

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