1944 The Loop Master

Download 1944 The Loop Master Game for Free

This game 1944 TheLoop Master is a fighting game having the arcade genre. One of the favorite public choice games in its own time or era. The game is basically an Aeroplane fighting game with different rounds and missions. It is a tough game to survive in the sky between lots of attacks by Tank and other healthy and heavy planes who want to crush you with your plane. The is a USA video game.

The arcade operates and plays like most standard shooters. The objective of every level is to shoot enemy planes, tanks, trains, turrets, and battleships, and defeat the boss after each level. Unlike its predecessor, 19XX: The War Against Destiny, the game plays more like the early games in the series. Despite the opening description of the plane stats, both planes operate equally and are only available to the first or second player respectively.

1944 The Loop Master

Game Title: 1944 The Loop Master
File Size: 19.6 MB (Single File)
Password: ja-techs.blogspot.com

The game borrows from 19XX in that it has a form of charge-up system. By holding the fire button down, the charge bar will fill, and when full, the plane will fly up and become temporarily invincible. The game also has the standard bomb button, which causes Tomahawk Missiles to fly up the screen doing major damage to any enemies they hit.

GamePlay Video of '1944 The Loop Master' Game

Below mentioned pictures are the few screenshots of the Gameplay:

1944 The Loop Master Arcade Game - Screenshot 1
1944 'The Loop Master' Gameplay Screenshot - 1

1944 The Loop Master Arcade Game - Screenshot 2
1944 'The Loop Master' Gameplay Screenshot - 2

1944 The Loop Master Arcade Game - Screenshot 3
1944 'The Loop Master' Gameplay Screenshot - 3

1944 The Loop Master Arcade Game - Screenshot 4
1944 'The Loop Master' Gameplay Screenshot - 4

1944 The Loop Master Arcade Game - Screenshot 5
1944 'The Loop Master' Gameplay Screenshot - 5

1944 The Loop Master Arcade Game - Screenshot 6
1944 'The Loop Master' Gameplay Screenshot - 6

1944 The Loop Master Arcade Game - Screenshot 7
1944 'The Loop Master' Gameplay Screenshot - 7

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