BPL T20 Patch
BPL T20 is Bangladesh Premier League Twenty20 2012 Cricket Game Patch for EA
Sports Cricket 07. It is a modification patch which will allow you to Play
complete series of BPL using your EA Cricket 07 Game. This is only a Patch,
the parent/base is EA Cricket 07 Game, without it this patch will not
Bangladesh Premier League T20 is one of the most famous leagues around the world, cricketers around the world participated in this league and making it popular among cricket fans. Once you download this game via the below links, then install it by setup file and the only thing between you and playing this game is the desktop shortcut icon, when launching the game you will surely enjoy this BPL T20 league via Cricket 07 Game.
- Extract downloaded parts using Winrar.
- Run the "BPL-Patch-Setup.exe" file to start setup.
Install the game to the Root directory of EA Cricket 07 Game.
(By default: "C:\Program Files\EA Sports\EA Sports (TM) Cricket 07") - Launch Game and Load "BPL" Roster before playing the game.
- Save your profile and enjoy playing.
Click here for Downloading EA Cricket 2007 Game
Video Tutorial + Gameplay:-
Watch the video tutorial to learn how to install this patch?Screenshots of BPL T20 2012 Patch:-
BPL T20 Patch
Patch Title: BPL T20
File Size: 165.51 MB (02 Parts)
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i have ea cricket 2011 world cup game already patched. so will it work on that ?
Dear! If you install the BPL Patch in your already installed CWC-2011 Patch, then you can only be able to play BPL, your are unable to Play CWC-2011 any-more.. Its recommended that your should install Fresh EA Cricket 2007 game in another directory where your have already installed EA with CWC-2011 Patch...
Then just download and install BPL T20 Patch to your newly/fresh installed Ea Cricket 2007 directory. In this condition you can Play BPL T20 & CWC-2011 in your PC....
Fresh EA Cricket 2007 game link is http://www.lyari.co.cc/2012/05/ea-cricket-2007-pc-game.html
Anybody please tell me---who produced these all the patches-----?????????
Well, the patches were made by different peoples and mostly
A2 Studios, A'Unit Studios, FM Studios, Revolution Studios & etc are making these patches for EA Cricket 2007 Games...
you dont make these patches so why when we click on finish...... your website has come(when there is a tick mark on "view product website")
Gud Question.. Really impressive.
Actually the actual patch was difficult for some people that how to install it, mostly they will face problems during copy & paste method, that's why I collect the patch and made one setup file with easy installation for people without any trouble & I added my website home page in each setup. If you don't need to use this patch then i'm not forcing you to use this patch, you may leave....
Well I really like these patches and you are doing a gud job even im facing difficulties intalling patches from other sites like planet cricket but im really proud of you and would you please tell me that on which patches you are now working to convert them to one setup file plz tell me
Thank u
I'm working now a days on following patches.
1. A2 Studios World Cup 2011.
2. A'Unit Cricket 2012 (Mega Patch).
3. A'Unit IPL-5.
4. FM Studios IPL-5.
I will soon complete above patches & upload them.
the 2nd one A unit ,mega patch i already have... waiting for fm studious ipl 5 plz quick.
FM Studios IPL-5 will be upload soon and the size of setup file is approx. ~360MB and i will upload it in some parts so that will be easily download.
could u plz tell me how many days it will take first upload FM Studios IPL-5 plz plz plz.......
It will be uploaded & will be available for download till the end of this week. I mean Saturday or Sunday 23/24th June 2012...